Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Morning Meditation - Seek Peace

 Morning meditation™️. A simple question. The answer will vary with each moment. Seek those answers with a conscious, eager mind. πŸ•Š

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditationArchives™️  #SeekPeace

Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial Day, USA - Honor Them

 Memorial Day, United States of America. We honor our Armed Forces, past and present, and their service to our country. Remember them. Speak their names, share your memories of them. Honor them and their service to our country. ❤️ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

#MemorialDay  #ArmedForcesUSA  #UnitedStatesOfAmerica  #Honor  #ThankYou  #Appreciation

Morning Meditation - You Are Valuable Beyond Measure

 Morning Meditation™️. You are valuable beyond measure. Absorb and believe this truth.✨

#MorningMeditation™️  #HealingMorning™️  #YouAreCherished  #YouMatter  #BelieveThisTruth

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Memorial Day Tribute

 United States of America Memorial Day. These words pay fitting tribute to the efforts of all our Armed Forces, past and present, during this weekend where we honor you all.  ❤️ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

#MemorialDay  #ArmedForcesUSA  #Honor  #Appreciation  #Tribute  #PresidentRonaldReagan #ThankYou

Friday, May 27, 2022

Observations by Luther the Gargoyle - Grumpivational™️ Gargoyle

 Observations by Luther the Gargoyle™️. Grumpivational™️ Gargoyle, at your service for future keynote speaking engagements! ⚜️

#ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle™️  #Grumpivational™️  #GargoyleKeynoteSpeaker  #HealingMorning™️  #LutherTheGargoyle™️

Morning Meditation - Emerson Wisdom

 Morning meditation™️. It can be a conscious choice. Write it and believe it! ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #HealingMorningArchives™️  #RalphWaldoEmerson  #Bard

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Morning Meditation - Close Kindred Meet

 Morning meditation™️. This is one of my favorite quotes of William Butler Yeats. It brings to mind each soul who has positively touched my life. ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditationArchives™️ #WilliamButlerYeats  #Bard  #ShallWeDance

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Southern Otter Chronicles - Young Otterly Love

 Southern Otter Chronicles™️. Young love lurks in teenaged otterly hearts! 🦦

#SouthernOtterChroniclesArchives™️  #HealingMorning™️ #TeenagedOtterlyLove  #FirstDateNerves

Morning Meditation - Simple Pursuit

 Morning Meditation™️. A great deal of pondering and resolving can be accomplished whilst enjoying a simple pursuit! ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditationArchives™️  #SimplePursuits

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Morning Meditation - Beautiful You

 Morning meditation™️. If you are reading this, absorb this truth: You are Beautiful. ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditation™️  #YouAreBeautiful

Monday, May 23, 2022

Morning Meditation - Greet Yourself With Love

 Morning Meditation™️. This matters. YOU MATTER. Offer the love to yourself that you extend to others. ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditation™️  #YouMatter  #GreetYourselfWithLove 

Friday, May 20, 2022

Observations by Luther the Gargoyle - Inalienable Gargoyle Rights

 Observations by Luther the Gargoyle™️. Luther, once again, is exercising his inalienable gargoyle rights. ⚜️

#ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle™️  #HealingMorning™️  #GargoyleSartorialSplendor  #HandsOffTheGargoylePermaSnarl  #InalienableGargoyleRights

Morning Meditation - Perceptions and Wisdom

 Morning meditation™️. Care enough to learn who people are beyond the public masks. Cultivate wisdom to discern what is real. ✨

#MorningMeditation™️  #HealingMorning™️  #SincerityIsPowerful #Perceptions  #Cultivate Wisdom

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Morning Meditation - Warm Summer Sun

 Morning meditation™️. I find this snippet of prose to transport my heart to joy each time I read it. ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditation™️  #SummerDreams  #WarmSummerSun  #MarkTwain #SouthernBard #SamuelLanghorneClemens

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Southern Otter Chronicles - Otterly Surf Dudes

 Southern Otter Chronicles™️. Spring rains bring the best conditions for rapids, and otterly surfing, y’all!  πŸ¦¦ 🌊

#HealingMorning™️  #SouthernOtterChroniclesArchives™️  #OtterlyRapidsSurfing 🦦

Morning Meditation - Sartorial Wit

 Morning meditation™️. This is a droll, lighthearted message from my dear friend, P. Brian Sorke. This memory always makes me smile! ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditationArchives™️  #Confidence  #PBrianSorkeisms  #SartorialWit  #FriendshipIsEternal  #LoveNeverDies

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Morning Meditation - Vitamin Daisy

 Morning Meditation™️. One of the many meanings daisies communicate in the language of flowers is happiness. Vitamin Daisy for your soul! ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditationArchives™️  #VitaminDaisy  #Happiness

Monday, May 16, 2022

Morning Meditation - Colors of Us

Morning meditation™️. A glimpse into the whimsical mechanics of my writer’s mind. I see each of you as unique and beautiful.✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditationArchives™️  #WritersLens  #AllTheColors

Friday, May 13, 2022

Observations by Luther the Gargoyle - Greet the Day

 Observations by Luther the Gargoyle™️. Gargoyles greet each day in their uniquely grumpiful, snarly fashion. ⚜️

#ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle™️  #HealingMorning™️  #GreetTheDayWithASnarl  #GrumpifulGreetings  #LutherTheGargoyle

Morning Meditation - Master Your Conscious Mind

 Healing Morning’s™️ Morning Meditation™️. This is another reminder that mastering your subconscious AND your conscious thoughts can be life changing. Start today! ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditationArchives™️  #SteveHarvey  #MasterYourConsciousMind  #Truth

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Morning Meditation - Better You

 Morning meditation™️. This is my favorite quote from HH Dalai Lama. ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditation™️  #Buddhism  #ComplementaryPractise  #HHDL

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Southern Otter Chronicles - Cuteness O’ the Day!

 Southern Otter Chronicles™️. Baby fluff butt otters waiting on their mamas offer up the Cuteness O’ the Day Otterly Moment! 🦦

#SouthernOtterChronicles™️  #HealingMorning™️  #CutenessOTheDayOtterlyMoment  #BabyFluffButtSouthernOtters

Morning Meditation - Be Present

 Morning Meditation™️. Being present is an invaluable gift to yourself, and to everyone around you. ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditationArchive™️  #BePresent

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Morning Meditation - Never Alone

 Morning meditation. The process of going within and caring for Self is timeless. Epictetus lived AD 50 - AD 135. ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditation™️  #Epictetus  #GodIsWithin  #YouAreNotAlone

Monday, May 9, 2022

Morning Meditation - God Knows

 Morning meditation™️. Dreams & goals drive us all, & I have some huge ones on my horizon. I have no idea how I’ll realize them. I just know I will, because I have the ultimate support system guiding me. ✨

#MorningMeditation™️  #HealingMorning™️  #GodKnows  #AllIsWell

Friday, May 6, 2022

Observations by Luther the Gargoyle - Overachiever

 Observations by Luther the Gargoyle™️. Luther is the eternal, yet modest, overachiever, y’all. ⚜️

#ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle™️  #HealingMorning™️  #GargoyleExcellence  #TopPerch  #LutherTheGargoyle™️

Morning Meditation - Realization

 Healing Morning’s™️ Morning Meditation™️. This is such an important moment of realization. Different can become something to celebrate. ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditationArchives™️  #LifeChanges  #CelebrateTheDifferences

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Real Talk at Healing Morning - Everyone Has a Story

 Real Talk at Healing Morning™️. We are all much more similar than we think, with much more in common than we can imagine. Put effort into learning someone else’s story. ✨

#RealTalkAtHealingMorning™️  #HealingMorning™️  #Similar  #LearnTheirStory

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Southern Otter Chronicles - Baby Otterly Death Glare

 Southern Otter Chronicles™️. Woe betide whomever had the nerve to disturb this wee one’s nap! Woe, I say! 🦦

#SouthernOtterChronicles™️  #HealingMorning™️  #BabyOtterlyDeathGlare  #TheOtterlyStruggleIsReal  #NapsAreSacred

Morning Meditation - Simple Practice

 Morning meditation™️. This simple meditation can be done in mere seconds, or it can last for as long as needed. Give yourself this gift throughout the day! ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditationArchives™️  #SimpleMeditation  #BeGoodToYourself  #MicroMeditation

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Morning Meditation - Reflection Practice

 Morning meditation™️. Reflection is a powerful tool and employing it grows self-awareness and discernment. ✨

#MorningMeditation™️  #HealingMorning™️  #Reflection  #WaterDropletMeditation  #Growth  #Discernment  #SelfAwareness  #Empowerment

Monday, May 2, 2022

Morning Meditation - Cookie Therapy Is Real

 Morning meditation™️. Cookie science at its most scientific level, y’all! πŸͺ ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditation™️  #CookieDispensationPoints  #ItIsARealThing  #CookiesHeal  #MarticusKnows

Healing Morning Extra - May Day

 Healing Morning Extra™️. Today, we welcome the month of May with the beauty of my favorite flower, Lily of the Valley, and this lovely fable. ✨

#HealingMorningExtra™️  #FirstDayOfMay  #LilyOfTheValley  #ReturnToHappiness
