Friday, June 30, 2023

Observations by Luther The Gargoyle - Happy Independence Day, America!

 Observations by Luther the Gargoyle. Luther & his gargoyle community wish all a safe & Happy Independence Day next week! 🇺🇸 ⚜️

#ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle #HealingMorning #USAIndependenceDay #HappyFourthOfJuly #TwoHundredFortySeventhBirthday

Morning Meditation - Dreaming Is Essential

 Morning Meditation. Dreaming is essential to building our reality. Thoreau knew this concept. Build those castles in the air & expand them into being! ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #Dream #BuildYourReality #Thoreau #Bard

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Morning Meditation - Grayscale Healing

 Morning Meditation. Grayscale healing - in my experience, this is real and powerful. ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #GrayscaleHealing #Calm #Peace #HealingProcess

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Southern Otter Chronicles - Simple Romance

 Southern Otter Chronicles. Romance, otterly or human, can be sustained by the most simple acts. 🦦

#HealingMorning #SouthernItterChronicles #OtterlyRomance #SoftChinRestingSpot #SoftSigh


Morning Meditation - Listen Deeply

 Morning Meditation. Live consciously, listen deeply. Both states of awareness promote growth. ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #LiveConsciously #ListenDeeply #PromoteGrowth #Awaken

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Morning Meditation - Healing Morning Mission Statement

 Morning Meditation. This is the Mission Statement I wrote in 2009 when I started my Healing Morning blog, & it applies to all versions of the Healing Morning concept. The emotion in this statement flowed from my pen effortlessly that day. ✨

#HealingMorning #MissionStatement

Monday, June 26, 2023

Morning Meditation - Real Talk: Apologies

 Morning Meditation - Real Talk. This is a highly sensitive topic, & is a life skill we all need to exercise. Self-awareness is key in our growth. ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #RealTalk #Apologies #SelfAwareness #ONEApologySincerelyOffered #AvoidToxicExpectations #Heal

Friday, June 23, 2023

Observations by Luther the Gargoyle - Never Walk In Anyone’s Cheerful 🎶

 Observations by Luther the Gargoyle. Luther has never given in to “morning person” peer pressure, y’all. He sings out his resistance! 🎶 ⚜️

#HealingMorning #ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle #NotAMorningGargoyle #SingItLoud #LutherTheGargoyle #NoPeerPressure #LutherHasSpoken

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Morning Meditation - It Will Be Okay

 Morning Meditation. For a moment, step outside of the turmoil & dwell in simple appreciation. ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #DwellInSimpleAppreciation #Healing #ItWillBeOkay

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Southern Otter Chronicles - Restorative Day Napping

 Southern Otter Chronicles. Day napping & otterly snuggles carry immense restorative powers when an otter has had a rough day. 🦦

#HealingMorning #SouthernOtterChronicles #DayNapping #OtterlySnuggles #RestorativePowers

Morning Meditation - Share Your Unique Gift!

 Morning Meditation. This defines me. The love, the process, the passion of creativity. Writing is what I do, & I share what I create with hope that it offers value and uplift. ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #CreativeSpirit #DrivingForce #BeautyHappens

Monday, June 19, 2023

Morning Meditation - Live NOW

 Morning Meditation. I speak on this often - Live Consciously! Be present in the actual living of your life. ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #LiveConsciously #BePresent #PerfectionIsAnIllusion #LiveNow

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Observations By Luther The Gargoyle - Return To Proper Protocol!

 Observations by Luther the Gargoyle. Rarely, once in a blue millennia, Luther might slip & forget his grumpiful. The horror, y’all! ⚜️

#HealingMorning #ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle #ForgotTheGrumpiful #Horrors #LutherTheGargoyle #ReturnToMalcontentedness #Posthaste

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Morning Meditation - Library Blessings

 Morning Meditation. My house has an abundant soul! ✨ 📚

#HealingMorning™️   #MorningMeditationArchives™️  #Plato  #ALibraryIsNecessaryToHappiness

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Morning Meditation - John 16:33

 Morning Meditation. Take heart. We are loved beyond comprehension. 🕊

#MorningMeditationArchives  #HealingMorning  #JohnSixteenThirtyThree  #LoveIsOurBirthright


Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Southern Otter Chronicles - Uncooperative Concentration Sprouts!

 Southern Otter Chronicles™️. A well groomed otter puts conscious effort into tonsorial presentation. Occasionally, the concentration sprouts do not cooperate, but one must strive to be dapper! 🦦

#HealingMorning™️  #SouthernOtterChronicles™️  #TheWellGroomedOtter #Dapper

Morning Meditation - USA National Flag Day

 Morning Meditation. On June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress of the United States of America adopted the National Flag of America. 🇺🇸

#HealingMorningExtra #USANationalFlagDay #OldGlory #JuneFourteenthSeventeenSeventySeven #AmericanFlag #Honor

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Morning Meditation - Embrace Healing

 Morning meditation. Releasing pain and moving forward is one of the most important life skills we can learn. ✨

#HealingMorning  #MorningMeditationArchives #YouDeserveHappiness  #EmbraceHealing

Monday, June 12, 2023

Morning Meditation - Choose the Happy!

 Morning Meditation. We all get to choose, you know. I choose the Happy! ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #ConsciousChoices #ChooseTheHappy #LiveConsciously #BuildYourReality #SelfCare #Smile

Friday, June 9, 2023

Observations by Luther the Gargoyle - Luther Knows Allll The Things!

 Observations by Luther the Gargoyle. Cicada season is approaching! ⚜️

#HealingMorning #ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle #CicadaSeason #SouthernRhapsody #CicadaSerenade #LutherTheGargoyle

Morning Meditation - Magic of Nietzsche

 Morning Meditation. The words of Nietzsche resonate strongly with my writer’s heart. Creativity is a saving grace. ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #Nietzsche #Art #Creativity #Blessing #SavingGrace

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Morning Meditation - Ninja Klutz!

 Morning Meditation. What is life without admitting we have less than graceful days?! I have many such days, y’all. ✨🥷🏻

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #NinjaKlutz #NotAlwaysGraceful #HumorHeals

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Southern Otter Chronicles - Not A Real Game!

 Southern Otter Chronicles. This is a game called Peg The Paparazzi! Points for yelps win, you know. 🦦

#HealingMorning #SouthernOtterChronicles #PegThePaparazzi #FavoriteOysterCrackingRock #PointsForYelps #StealthAndStrategy #NotARealGame #DoNOTThrowRocksInRealLife #Comedy

Morning Meditation - Savor These Moments

 Morning Meditation. Do not rush through life! You miss the chance to savor & cherish these rare moments. ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #DoNotRushThroughLife #SavorAndCherish #RareMoments #FirstKiss #Hugs #Love #Dreams #Relationships

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Morning Meditation - Blessing of Friendship

 Morning Meditation. We all have moments where we run dry, feel lost, lose hope. This is where friendship is such a blessing. ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #YouLiftMeUp #FriendshipBlessings #HoldingSpace #Love #Support

Monday, June 5, 2023

Healing Morning Extra - D-Day Tribute, 79th Anniversary

 Healing Morning Extra. Today is the 79th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy. These images pay tribute to all who fought that day for the world. 🇺🇸

#HealingMorningExtra #DDay #Normandy #JuneSixthNineteenFortyFour #Tribute #Honor #Remember

Morning Meditation - Push Back The Darkness

 Morning Meditation. Kindness has been a strong focus recently. The act of kindness carries such power. Embrace it & speak it. You could change a life. ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #YourWordsCarryPower #SpeakOut #ChangeALife #SavingGrace #Uplift #PushBackTheDarkness


Friday, June 2, 2023

Observations by Luther the Gargoyle - Summer Humidity

 Observations by Luther the Gargoyle. Southern humidity has its benefits, y’all! ⚜️

#HealingMorning #ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle #SouthernHumidityBenefits #LutherTheGargoyle


Morning Meditation - We Are Loved Endlessly

 Morning Meditation. Our faith is always matched, and further surpassed beyond our human comprehension. We are loved, endlessly. ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #Faith #WeAreLovedEndlessly #UnseenHand

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Healing Morning Extra - Happy 227th Birthday, Tennessee!

 Healing Morning Extra. My home state of Tennessee, United States, became the 16th state of the Union on June 1, 1796. I love her dearly. 🧡 🍊

#HealingMorningExtra #Tennessee #SixteenthStateOfTheUnion #VolunteerState #JuneFirstSeventeenNinetySix #TennesseeProud

Morning Meditation - Valley by Heather Bates

 Morning Meditation. “Valley” by my cousin, Heather Bates. She speaks truth, wisdom, and beauty here. ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #HeatherBatesPoetry #Valley #Growth #Persevere #TruthAndBeauty
