Southern Otter Chronicles. A quiet moment spent with one’s otterly love…otterly schmoopy sighs! 🦦
#HealingMorning #SouthernOtterChronicles #QuietMoment #OtterlySchmoopySighs
Healing Morning is a space to discuss those indefinable moments, topics, thoughts, that allow us to grow on a spiritual, personal and, I hope, global level. I hope to remark upon holistic healing, spiritual concepts, and stumble upon topics that inspire, intrigue and push us all to regard life in a different manner from having read what is posted.
Southern Otter Chronicles. A quiet moment spent with one’s otterly love…otterly schmoopy sighs! 🦦
#HealingMorning #SouthernOtterChronicles #QuietMoment #OtterlySchmoopySighs
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #DaydreamOn #ConstructingReality #StressRelief #SelfCare #Magic
Morning Meditation. You matter. We forget this way too often. Greet yourself with Love! ✨
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #YouMatter #GreetYourselfWithLove #BlessYourself
#HealingMorningExtra #UnitedStatesArmedForces #USAMemorialDay #Honor #Remember #PaySolemnTribute #America #JosephDrake
Morning Meditation. Today, we here in America pay tribute to our fallen US Armed Forces heroes who served our country & the world. Words are never enough to thank them & their families for their ultimate sacrifice. We remember and honor them. 🇺🇸
#HealingMorning #USAMemorialDay
#HealingMorningExtra #USAMemorialDay #HonorAndRememberTheFallen #Godspeed #AmericanArmedForces #Heroes #SacredDay
Observations by Luther the Gargoyle. Luther is a movie star, y’all! ⚜️
#HealingMorning #ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle #TopPerchTheMovie #GargoyleChicksDigIt ##GargoylesOfHollywood #LutherTheGargoyle #HeWearsFameWell
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #BlessingsInDisguise #Change
Morning Meditation. When we choose kindness, we become part of an exponential blessing. ✨
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #ChooseKindness #ExponentialBlessing
Southern Otter Chronicles. We southern otters are an observant ilk, particularly when drama is afoot! 🦦
#HealingMorning #SouthernOtterChronicles #OtterlyPeanutGallery #SouthernOtterlyObservation #DramaAfoot
Morning Meditation. It is a positive, healthy act to drop our social masks occasionally, & speak openly with others about where struggles exist. ✨
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #Transparency #DropTheSocialMasks #HealTogether #SpeakOpenly
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #WilliamButlerYeats #Bard #Prose #SheerWrittenBeauty
Morning Meditation. Be present. It is a powerful gift to give yourself. ✨
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #BePresent #LiveConsciously #SelfAwareness #PowerfulStateOfMind
We join a grateful nation in paying tribute to our United States Armed Forces. Your efforts for all of us here at home, and for the whole world are deeply appreciated. 🇺🇸
#HealingMorningExtra #UnitedStatesArmedForces #ArmedForcesDay #ThankYou #America
#HealingMorning #ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle #GargoylePulchritude #RestingGargoyleFace #LutherTheGargoyleHasSpoken
#MorningMeditation #HealingMorning #FamilyIsBornAndAlsoChosen #WhoAreYourPeople #KithAndKin #Love #Southernisms
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #CollectiveHumanExperience #ParticipateWithConsciousLove #BeKindAlways
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #PaxTecum #PeaceBeWithYou #DailyBlessing
#HealingMorning #SouthernOtterChronicles #CackleAttacks #TeenagedOtters #ShenaniganryIsAfoot
Morning Meditation. I think many of us instantly think of someone who is defined by this Scripture. ✨
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #ProverbsThirtyOneTwentyFiveThroughTwentyEight #CallHerBlessed
Morning Meditation. Even if this sounds crazy to you, I encourage you to try it, & observe how your life changes for the better. ✨
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #PowerfulState #Prayer #Meditation #FaithInAction
Be open to changing, to adapting, to compromising. All of these conscious choices refine us more than we realize, and the end result is remarkably beautiful! ✨
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #EmbraceTheWeird #Weirdmasté #CelebrateYou #QuirkyIsCool
Morning Meditation. Cookie dispensation points! 🍪 ✨
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #CookiesHaveHealingProperties #CookieDispensationPoints #NomNom
#SouthernOtterChronicles #HealingMorning #GrumpifulBabyOtter #FeelTheTinyOtterlyDispleasure
Morning Meditation. Negative mind chatter - we all have it! Find ways to love yourself through to a state of healing. ✨
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #MindChatter #LoveYourselfToAStateOfHealing #SelfCare
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #NoExpectations #LiveForYOU #Liberated #NewWayOfBeing #StrengthOfPurpose #Freedom #Joy
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #ReceiveHealing #CelebrateTheBlessings #LetItBe
Morning Meditation. If we live long enough, we find that relationships tend to resurface & receive a healing. Celebrate these blessings.✨
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #ReceiveHealing #CelebrateTheBlessings #LetItBe
Observations by Luther the Gargoyle. Sneezing - one of the few things gargoyles envy humans! ⚜️
#HealingMorning #ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle #GargoyleEnvy #SpringPollen #Sneezing #LutherTheGargoyleHasSpoken
Morning Meditation. Paws open, y’all! ✨
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #RememberToOpenYourPaws #Blessings #Actuating
Morning Meditation. This is easier said than done, but ultimately the most loving and healthy action you can take for yourself. ✨
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #ReleaseThePast #Forgive #SelfCare #Heal
Southern Otter Chronicles. Someone is grudgingly joining in the otterly version of the Hokey Pokey…🦦 🐾 🎶
#SouthernOtterChronicles #HealingMorning #PutYourRightPawIn #OtterlyHokeyPokey
Morning Meditation. Your dream is NOT too big! ✨
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #YourDreamIsNOTTooBig #DreamOn #Believe #RestingStage #KeepDreaming
Morning Meditation. I make this conscious choice daily. Depending on the day, it can be effortless or challenging, and it is always worth it!✨
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #ConsciousOptimist #LiveIntentionally #BlessYourself #DoTheGoodThings
Healing Morning Extra. Blessed Return To Happiness on this first day of May! ✨
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #May #LilyOfTheValley #Fable #FavoriteFlower #BlessedReturnToHappiness
Morning Meditation. Clarity leads us to Truth. ✨
#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #Clarity #Understanding #SacredAwareness #Truth