Morning Meditation™️. Coddiwomple. It defines us all as we traverse this Earth School. ✨
#MorningMeditation™️ #HealingMorning™️ #Coddiwomple #EarthSchool #LifeJourney #TravelPurposely #DestinationAsYetUnknown
Healing Morning is a space to discuss those indefinable moments, topics, thoughts, that allow us to grow on a spiritual, personal and, I hope, global level. I hope to remark upon holistic healing, spiritual concepts, and stumble upon topics that inspire, intrigue and push us all to regard life in a different manner from having read what is posted.
Morning Meditation™️. Coddiwomple. It defines us all as we traverse this Earth School. ✨
#MorningMeditation™️ #HealingMorning™️ #Coddiwomple #EarthSchool #LifeJourney #TravelPurposely #DestinationAsYetUnknown
Observations by Luther the Gargoyle™️. A day without grump? Perish the thought, y’all! ⚜️
#ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyleArchives™️ #HealingMorning™️ #JustSayNoToADayWithoutGrump #LutherTheGargoyle
Morning Meditation™️. The theme this week is positivity - be one of the bright ones! ✨
#MorningMeditation™️ #HealingMorning™️ #BeOneOfTheBrightOnes #Positivity
Morning Meditation™️. Dwelling in positivity takes conscious effort & conscious choice. The rewards are immense. ✨
#MorningMeditation™️ #HealingMorning™️ #DwellInPositivity #ConsciousChoice
#MorningMeditation™️ #HealingMorning™️ #YouAreWorthyOfLove #EternalTruth
Morning Meditation™️. Smiles are contagious! ✨
#MorningMeditation™️ #HealingMorning™️ #SmilesAreContagious #PassItOn #MakeTheDayBrighter #SmileOn
Morning Meditation™️. We all wrestle w/ this concept. We become so entrenched in the state of “fight or flight” reactive behaviors that the simple states of happiness & peacefulness become foreign. You can change. ✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditation™️ #Shift #ChooseChange
*I wrote this, and created the quote card, in 2019. I believe that I will continue to share it each year, because the topic is so deeply important.*
#ChooseLife #IAmRootingForYou #HealingMorning #MentalHealth #Crisis #Stay #BreakTheCycleOfDestruction
Observations by Luther the Gargoyle™️. The nerve of anyone suggesting I am misunderstood - I proudly own my Grumpiful! ⚜️
#ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle™️ #HealingMorning™️ #OwnTheGrumpiful #BegonePositivityBringingHumans #LutherTheGargoyle™️
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditation™️ #DHLawrence #Dream
Morning Meditation™️. “….dream on…dream on…dream until your dream comes true…” 🎶 ✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditationArchives™️ #DreamOn #Believe
Southern Otter Chronicles™️. Yes, a group of otters is called a romp, and our southern otterly romp is quite attractive! 🦦
#SouthernOtterChroniclesArchives™️ #HealingMorning™️ #OtterlyRomp
Morning Meditation™️. Darkness shall never prevail. 🕊
#MorningMeditationArchives™️ #HealingMorning™️ #GodIsLight #DarknessShallNeverPrevail #Believe
#MorningMeditationArchives™️ #HealingMorning™️ #HaveFaith 🕊
Morning Meditation™️. Those of us who have lost loved ones face that loss daily. The only thing I have found to help to get through the difficult moments is to focus on the love shared with that person. ✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditation™️ #LoveRemainsAndIsEternal
Morning Meditation™️. Marcus Aurelius lived from 121 - 180 AD, & he was clearly aware of the role our thoughts play in our reality. This is not a new concept! Be mindful, always.✨
#MorningMeditation™️ #HealingMorning™️ #MarcusAureliusWisdom
Morning Meditation™️. I speak often of the fact that before I write the words, they present in a musical fashion in my mind. 🎶
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditation™️ #Rumi #MusicalThoughts
Southern Otter Chronicles™️. The things an otterly uncle does to make his otterly nieces & nephews happy at the weekly otterly social. Hokey Otterly Pokey, y’all. 🎶 🦦
#SouthernOtterChronicles™️ #HealingMorning™️ #HokeyOtterlyPokey #WeeklyOtterlySocial
Morning Meditation™️. Sacred Awareness - it is a state that prayer and meditation open up.✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditationArchives™️ #SacredAwareness #Healing #Awareness #Growth #Truth
Morning Meditation™️. We are never truly alone. That loving presence that goes beyond human understanding embraces us, always. ✨ 🕊
#MorningMeditation™️ #HealingMorning™️ #Rumi #DivinePresence #YouAreLoved #YouAreNeverAlone #BlessedEternally
Morning Meditation™️. This is one of my favorite quotes by Albert Camus. The human spirit is an enduring spirit!✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditationArchives™️ #AlbertCamus #WeAreStrongerThanWeKnow
Observations by Luther the Gargoyle™️. “Hello grumpness, my old friend…” 🎶 ⚜️
#ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle™️ #HealingMorning™️ #MusicOfSolitude #MyGrumpifulServesMeWell #LutherTheGargoyle™️
Morning Meditation™️. Not all days are easy, & it can take effort to remain optimistic. On those days, choose to be consciously optimistic.✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditationArchives #ConsciousOptimist
Morning Meditation™️. Give yourself the spiritual nutrition of being outside in the sunshine, basking under the beautiful sky. ✨
#MorningMeditation™️ #HealingMorning™️ #VitaminSky #OutdoorsTherapy #NatureHeals #SpiritualCare #BlessYourself
#MorningMeditation™️ #HealingMorning™️ #MatthewFiveFour #Grief #Comfort #Healing
Southern Otter Chronicles™️. It is an abiding southern tradition for the patriarch to pose for a formal portrait. Otterly posterity preserved, y’all! 🦦
#SouthernOtterChronicles™️ #HealingMorning™️ #OtterlyPortrait #OtterlyPosterityPreserved #NobleOtter #Fancy
Morning meditation. I love this man’s writing. Prose as beautifully written, and as thoughtfully expressed as this work of William Butler Yeats, can transport our spirit. ✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditationArchives™️ #WilliamButlerYeats #Bard #Prose #Transformative
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditation™️ #GoodNewsBadNews #HumanExperience #IronicHumor #Perspective