Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Morning Meditation - A Bit of Ducky Humor!

 Morning Meditation. Step carefully the next several days, y’all! ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #DuckLipsSelfies #PotentialRealityImbalance #SpaceTimeContinuumRift #StepCarefully #Humor

Monday, September 18, 2023

Morning Meditation - Moments of Joy

 Morning Meditation. Mining our existence for moments of joy is life affirming! ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #MomentsOfJoy #LifeAffirming #Solace #Uplift #Hope #BetterDaysAreAhead #Believe #Faith #HoldOn

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Healing Morning Extra - USA Constitution Day

 It is vitally important to note dates of historic impact to our country. On Sept 17, 1787, delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the document of the Constitution in Philadelphia. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

#HealingMorningExtra™️ #Sept171787 #USAConstitution #AmericanPatriotism #USAHistory

Friday, September 15, 2023

Nigel the Gargoyle’s Ruminations - Old & Surly

We want to introduce Ruminations by Nigel the Gargoyle. This is Luther’s cousin, y’all. He does a lot of thinking. ⚜️

#HealingMorning #RuminationsByNigelTheGargoyle #GargoylesLikeTheOldStuff #AncientAndSurlyIsBetter #GargoyleCousins

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Morning Meditation - Be Present

 Morning Meditation. Invest your time in authentic, sincere conversations. Being present with Self, & with others is an immeasurable gift. ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #SpeakAuthentically #InvestTimeInRelationships #WordsMatter #BePresent

Monday, September 11, 2023

Healing Morning - September 11, 2001 Tribute

 These photos offer honor to all whose lives were affected on September 11, 2001. ❤️ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Morning Meditation - Prepare To Untether

 Morning Meditation. Something new awaits you… ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #SomethingNewAwaits #PrepareToUntether

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Morning Meditation - A Faithful Promise

Morning Meditation. A faithful promise. ✨πŸ•Š️

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #PsalmsNinetyOneFour #FaithfulPromise #Rejoice

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Morning Meditation - We Are All Heroes To Someone

 Morning Meditation. Do not lose sight of the fact that you have great impact on others, & on this world. ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #HelenHayes #YouAreSomeonesHero

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Morning Meditation - Step Fully Into Possibilities!

 Morning Meditation at Healing Morning. Step fully into possibilities! ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #Seasons #Challenges #PeriodOfRest #StepFullyIntoPossibilities #Anticipation

Monday, September 4, 2023

Morning Meditation - Your Journey Continues

 Morning Meditation. Temporary emotions do not hinder progress. ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #GrittyAuthenticMoments #Humanity #MoveThroughItAll #RoadRemainsOpen #YouAreAllowedToBeFallible

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Healing Morning Extra - Happy 89th Birthday to GSMNP!

 Healing Morning Extra. Happy 89th Birthday to our glorious Great Smoky Mountains National Park! 🧑 🍊

#HealingMorningExtra #HappyBirthday #GreatSmokyMountainsNationalPark #EightyNineYears #TennesseeProud

Friday, September 1, 2023

Observations by Luther the Gargoyle - Gargoyle Motivational Thoughts!

 Observations by Luther the Gargoyle. Luther is a motivational kind of gargoyle, y’all! ⚜️

#HealingMorning #ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle #FollowLutherForMotivationalPosts

Morning Meditation - Embrace the Quirks!

 Morning Meditation. Einstein’s cheeky humor and valid point - life in general is rather quirky. Embrace it! ✨

#HealingMorning #MorningMeditation #AlbertEinstein #CheekyHumor #LifeIsQuirky #EmbraceIt
