Southern Otter Chronicles™️. Southern Otter & Mrs. Southern Otter are devoted to a weekly date, keeping otterly romance alive. 🦦
#SouthernOtterChronicles™️ #HealingMorning™️ #OtterlyRomance #WeeklyDate #OtterlyBeloved
Healing Morning is a space to discuss those indefinable moments, topics, thoughts, that allow us to grow on a spiritual, personal and, I hope, global level. I hope to remark upon holistic healing, spiritual concepts, and stumble upon topics that inspire, intrigue and push us all to regard life in a different manner from having read what is posted.
Southern Otter Chronicles™️. Southern Otter & Mrs. Southern Otter are devoted to a weekly date, keeping otterly romance alive. 🦦
#SouthernOtterChronicles™️ #HealingMorning™️ #OtterlyRomance #WeeklyDate #OtterlyBeloved
Morning Meditation™️. Love always holds the highest vibration, even when it is expressing itself as grief. ✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditationArchives™️ #GriefProcess #LoveIsHighestVibration
Morning Meditation™️. Perception is reality, and it colors every form of communication. ✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditationArchives™️ #PerceptionIsReality #LiveAndLetLive
Morning meditation™️. Miracles DO exist, and they DO happen. Believe. ✨💖✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditationArchives™️ #MiraclesExist #Believe
Observations by Luther the Gargoyle™️. Luther is a renaissance gargoyle, well versed in many art forms. ⚜️
#ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle™️ #HealingMorning™️ #WittyRepartee #SkillfulWithRapier #Sarcasm #GargoyleOfTheAges
Morning meditation™️. Consider giving this discipline a week’s try and note how the quality of your life changes. ✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditationArchives™️ #SelfCare #AwakenOneHourEarly #Meditation #Prayer #Discipline #SpiritualPractice #GreetTheDay
Morning Meditation™️. I bet you smiled when you looked at this sweet little face, yes?! Share the simple joyful moments!✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditationArchives™️ #JoyfulMoments #JoyBecomesExponential #SimpleDelights #ShareTheJoy
Southern Otter Chronicles™️. “ I love you, my, oh my...” 🎶 Musical musings by Southern Otter, y’all. 🦦
#SouthernOtterChroniclesArchives™️#HealingMorning™️ #SouthernMusicalMusingOtter
Morning Meditation™️. This is a different version of the old adage of, “Count your blessings.” Start counting!✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditationArchives™️ #WeAreHumanMiracles #NoSuchThingAsASmallMiracle #AllMiraclesAreExponential #StartCounting
Morning Meditation™️. Take heart, and know there is an unceasing power and love that is the foundation of all things. ✨
#MorningMeditation™️ #HealingMorning™️ #JohnSixteenThirtyThree #BeAtPeace
Morning Meditation™️. This is a favorite Thoreau quote. Dream big, and implement steps to shape your dreams into reality. ✨
#MorningMeditation™️ #HealingMorning™️ #HenryDavidThoreau #DreamBig #MakeYourDreamsReality #Empowered #Bard
Observations by Luther the Gargoyle™️. Gargoyles do not do cheerful or happy, y’all. ⚜️
#ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle™️ #HealingMorning™️ #GuardTheGargoyleHeartFromHappy #EmoteElsewherePlease #HugFreeZone #LutherTheGargoyle™️
Morning Meditation™️. Daydreaming is important! It does not waste time, it encourages creativity and intuition.✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditationArchives™️ #DaydreamOn #BuildYourReality
Morning Meditation™️. We all have days where we fumble and falter. It is vital to remember, even in dark moments, we are a light for others. ✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditation™️ #YouAreAnIlluminatingSpark #LightOfLove #ShineOn
#SouthernOtterChroniclesArchives™️ #HealingMorning #SushiMakingOtter #NeverStopPitchingWoo #RomanticOtterlyEfforts
Morning Meditation™️. In times of grief, know that you are never alone. An unending, limitless loving Source is there with you, always. ✨
#MorningMeditation™️ #HealingMorning™️ #MatthewFiveFour #Grief #Mourning #Peace #Uplift #LimitlessLove
Morning Meditation™️. It is that simple, and that complex. Starting with Love is never a mistake. ✨
#MorningMeditationArchives™️ #HealingMorning™️ #Love #RumiWisdom #PersianBard
Morning Meditation™️. Reading is everything to me. ✨
#MorningMeditation™️ #HealingMorning™️ #Read #Knowledge #Education #Curiosity #Growth #Empowerment #GeorgeRRMartin
Observations by Luther the Gargoyle™️. We gargoyles are known for our wit, delightful sarcasm, and healthy sense of self confidence. ⚜️
#ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle™️ #HealingMorning™️ #DryWit #Sarcasm #GargoyleConfidence #LutherTheGargoyle™️
Morning meditation™️. For your tired soul, know that there is a direction and a path that will offer comfort and uplift. ✨🕊✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditationArchives™️ #Rumi #PersianBard
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditation™️ #ProperlyGovernAnger #SelfCare
Southern Otter Chronicles™️. See what we did there? Baby otter....rain boot....just add water. HA! 😂 Southern Otterly humor, y’all! 🦦
#SouthernOtterChroniclesArchives™️ #HealingMorning™️ #OtterlyHumor #BabyOtterCuteness
Morning Meditation™️. There is power & healing in giving voice to our fears. Step into the sunlight & fight the Good Fight out in the open. You are not alone. ✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditationArchives™️ #DoNotLetDepressionWin #YouAreNotAlone
Morning Meditation™️. Remember this truth: darkness shall never defeat the Light. ✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditationArchives™️ #Believe
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditation™️ #GrowInWisdom
Observations by Luther the Gargoyle™️. I felt extra pithy & observant today, so I decided to render a certain group of people silent. You’re welcome! ⚜️
#ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle™️ #HealingMorning™️ #HushYourMouth #StayOnYourOwnBackPorch #LutherTheGargoyle™️
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditation™️ #BlessYourselfBlessTheWorld™️ #RadiateExponentiallly
Healing Morning’s™️ Morning Meditation™️ from earlier this week (Tuesday). I got distracted and overlooked sharing it on my personal wall. In that funny way Life has of making certain messages extra timely, I really needed to hear this reminder. Perhaps some of my friends here will find the message just as timely. Remember your Spirit…remember that you are Eternal. ❤️
Morning Meditation™️. Remember what makes you Eternal. 🕊
#MorningMeditation™️ #HealingMorning™️ #YouAreEternal #YourSpiritIsFree
Morning Meditation™️. Being strong is not a solitary endeavor. Your strength is matched by an eternal embrace. ✨🕊✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditationArchives™️ #NehemiahEightTen #DivineEmbrace #YouAreNeverAlone
Southern Otter Chronicles™️. Sometimes, one must cast modesty aside and admit that a certain level of [epic] cuteness exists in one’s family. 🦦
#SouthernOtterChronicles™️ #HealingMorning™️ #OttersAreDangedCute 🦦
Morning Meditation™️. The human spirit is an enduring spirit! ✨
#MorningMeditationArchives™️ #HealingMorning™️ #HumanSpiritIsAnEnduringSpirit #RememberYourStrength #Empowered
Morning Meditation™️. My dear friend wrote these words when she shared one of my MM quote cards, & it is so lovely, I decided it merited its own unique moment! ✨
#HealingMorning™️ #MorningMeditation™️ #JaneEwenWisdom #AuthenticSelf #BeautifullyDifferent #Friendship