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Photo: www.innerworkingsresources.com |
A while back, I read a great post on my Facebook newsfeed that made me smile. It was titled, "The Amazing Moments in Life". I liked it so much that my mind automatically began compiling those moments that resonate for me, so I came here to write a Grasshopper Thoughts entry with a slightly different format. I'll call these Gratitude Moments and this may become a recurring series. Let me know what you think!
Gratitude Moments
- Hearing the voice of someone you love over the phone, unexpectedly.
- Receiving a long, tight hug that lasts for several moments.
- Seeing a flower blooming in an unexpected place.
- Finding cash in a pocket or purse that you had forgotten was there.
- Taking an item to the checkout counter and being asked, "Did you know this is on sale?" (SCORE!)
- That moment when a favorite snack food that was discontinued years ago is brought back. In this case, Taco Flavored Doritos™!
- Finding that ink pen that fits your hand perfectly, is the right ink flow, the right ink nib/roller ball and learning that they're affordable.
- Spending time at your Mom's house and waking up to a breakfast only she can make.
- Walking through the woods at home in springtime and seeing all the greening up and blossoming occurring.
- Getting enough snow to make snow cream.
- Holding hands.
- Grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.
- Having a lazy day where you snuggle on the sofa with a blanket, the remote control, comfort foods and a good book.
- Rubbing noses with that special person.
- Getting kissed and hugged by a child.
- Hot tea.
- Family reunions and seeing all those faces that you love deeply.
- Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
- Going to brunch with friends and discovering a new foody love. Lobster Bacon Flatbread comes to mind as a new one for me.
- Laughing with friends and/or family until you cry happy tears.
- Receiving flowers from someone who loves you, "Just because I knew it would make you smile".
- Planting old fashioned flowers and watching them grow. Lily of the Valley is my personal favorite.
- Being surprised that childhood chores you used to hate - like having a kitchen garden - have morphed into a thing of appreciation and enjoyment. Go figure. I would never have dreamed my thoughts would change on this!
- Listening to family members reminisce and tell stories about "the Good Old Days".
- Finding that perfect mascara.
- Reading a book that literally changes your whole perspective on Life.
- Meditation.
- Having a good hair day.
- Finding a new author, loving their writing style and discovering there are multiple titles of theirs available. *Love that!*
- Having that special item of clothing that always makes you look and feel good when you wear it. One of mine is a sweatshirt my brother got me for Christmas over 10 years ago. It's over sized, soft knit material, slouchy in silhouette and gets softer and more comfy the longer I have it, and oddly, makes me look skinny!
- Yoga.
- That unique smell of the morning air in your favorite location.
- Recognizing how truly blessed you really are.
- Banana popsicles!
- Writing an article that, reading it back, literally gives you chills for how perfectly it has been written.
- Celebrating a birthday of someone you love. Today is my dear, wonderful Mom's birthday...Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you more than words can express. <3
I made myself stop at 36 things, but what I love about this process is that once you begin, the thoughts flow. There's the concept and practice of keeping a Daily Gratitude Journal and it is one that I occasionally do, but then get distracted on the daily entries part at some point. What I can say here, today, is that sitting down to write these Gratitude Moments kept me in a happy, appreciative state of mind. I have been smiling as I tapped out each thought and I love the Universal Law aspect of this. Lifting our thoughts to a happy harmonic energy means that we are sending that accelerated energy outwards, where it will grow and maximize itself before returning to us to shower blessings that match that original happy energy. I can't think of a better reason to embrace this concept and make it a habit. What are your favorite memories and experiences that fit into the Gratitude Moments category?
I need to use this as motivation to check what I'm grateful for in my own life right now. Nearing the end of a stressful week I see more darkness than light, but this makes up for it :)
ReplyDeleteThank you!
J.R., I find it to be a really valuable tool! It calms the mind, and I'm not kidding when I say that when I begin writing the thoughts, I automatically begin smiling. It's impossible to stay in a glum state of mind when you're thinking of things to appreciate! I'm happy this gave you a bright moment during a stressful week! Thank you for visiting and have a lovely Easter holiday. :)
Delete- Dawn
Dawn, you indeed brought me smiles through your gratitude list. I had to lol at the "grilled cheese and tomato soup" - my all-time, number one comfort foods!
ReplyDeleteAnd, yes, that positive energy is palpable in your words. Thank you for sharing your happy thoughts today and making my day so much better because of these.
Blessings and happy thoughts to you!
Martha, you know the Universal Antidote for poisoning - activated charcoal and strong tea? I call grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup the "Universal Antidote for the Soul"! It's that classic, feel good, comfort memories combination that just soothes, yes? I'm glad you felt the positive energy that I did as I wrote this! And I LOVE that it made a bright note in your day - that gave me a smile in return, and it keeps that endless loop of beautiful energy going. :)
DeleteBlessings to you in return, sweet girl! Happy Easter!
- Dawn
This is a great post Dawn. I did something similar when I first created my blog and it's good to look back and reflect on these things which give us joy especially when the trials of life can become heavy.
ReplyDeleteMy faves of yours: Banana popsicles!, Having a good hair day. Recognizing how truly blessed you really are. Reading a book that literally changes your whole perspective on Life.
Sweet! :-)
Tameka, I love that we share that Banana Popsicles one!! I agree with you - this type of exercise is so important to give contrast. Given the response to this one, I'm now convinced it will be a regularly occurring series here. It's just fun to take a few minutes and kind of dance through the thoughts and words! Now I'm off to dance through YOUR thoughts and words...I see poetry is happening at Lyric Fire!
DeleteMuch love to you, sister! <3
- Dawn
What an awesome idea. Each one is like a soft poke at a sweet memory of my own and I'm sure each of your readers felt the same. Thanks for all the gentle pokes that made me smile.
ReplyDeleteAnna, I love the way you phrased this, "a soft poke at a sweet memory of my own". My little heart just sighed at the words! I was really caught by the flow of this post, how effortless it was, and how strong the positive energy was. Happy thoughts give birth to more happy thoughts. Exponential coolness!!!
DeleteThank you for smiling with me, honey! :)
- Dawn
Sometimes when your in the mist of a storm or storms and it seems so hopeless..it's good no matter how hard to remember the little things that make you smile and or happy.. thank you dawn for reminding me...As always...XOXOXOXO
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I'm glad this gave your heart a lift! The wonderful thing is that all you have to do is sit down and start the process...just one happy thought, one thing to appreciate...and the list starts to grow. :)
Delete- Dawn
This was a great post! It reminded me of the book 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp. I read it a summer ago and I was really inspired to make a gratitude journal in order to begin to identify more clearly all of the usually overlooked blessings that exist all around me in the present moment. I've concluded it's all a gift!
ReplyDeleteI loved your list!
Jessica, I draw the same conclusion as you, that it's all a gift! It just takes a clear mind, clear heart and clear vision to recognize the gifts. This was such a happy little post and so enjoyable to write, so I will definitely continue this series. Thank you for the wonderful comment!
Delete- Dawn
To be thankful for the simple things in life makes one appreciate LIFE as a whole.. We tend to see beauty and positivity in those simpler gratifications and then slowly the road leads us to our destination...
ReplyDeleteA wonderful list especially the sale part!
Savira, I know...and if it's SHOES that are on sale, even better! LOL! Little reasons to brighten our heart and the energy builds and spills outward. I love that. Thank you for visiting, chickadee! <3
Delete- Dawn
life is bliss coz of these tiny but precious moments...
ReplyDeletea fantastic read in the morning..couldn't have read anything better :)
Jyoti, I'm so happy this gave you some smiles to start your day! And I so agree with you about the bliss part...it's where we choose to find it. Loving you, sweet girl! <3
Delete- Dawnie
Great Gratitude to remember thanks for posting this
ReplyDeleteHi ChrisAir, thank you for visiting and enjoying along with me! :)
Delete- Dawn
Loved this! It made me feel motivated. I am off to write my own Gratitude moments list right now!
ReplyDeleteOh I love that! It's always fun when the concept gets picked up by others! :) Have fun with your own version!
Delete- Dawn
Thanks Dawn!
DeleteWhat a great post to start my journey back to blog-reading with!!! I love what you did with it (and have done with the comments too!)
ReplyDeleteI live for long, tight hugs (we really do need to meet :P), and I also love Taco Doritos!!! I was so mad when they stopped selling them. They still don't up here, or at least not much. I think I've seen them on sale at one store, and that was only once. Haven't seen them again.
Can't agree on the mascara part, though. That being said, if I did *agree* with it, then y'all would probably start looking at me *really* funny.
(Did I use "y'all" right?)
I will get through my backlog of your posts, hon! Though maybe not today.
Yes, you used "y'all" right and spelled it properly too! LOL..welcome back, Dave!! Regarding Taco Doritos, send me your mailing address and I'll ship some to you, and I really mean it. Thanks for visiting and leaving a wonderful comment, honey. I agree, btw, that we need to meet. Hugs will abound!!! :)
DeleteCyber hugs & lots of love,
- Dawnie
The fact that you would do that is very special to me. But I have to make them a rare treat, as they don't exactly agree with me.
DeleteHugs will definitely abound! I love that word. Abound.
Cyber hugs and love right back at ya!
Hugs is the subject of my latest blog post!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to visit and read your post about hugs! I find them to be one of the healthiest, most enjoyable experiences that life has to offer. :)
Delete- Dawn
Love this Dawnie! I have been meaning to get here since you tagged me in! Yet, I am glad I got side tracked because now I have TWO posts of Dawnie goodness to read and relax to <3