Thursday, June 30, 2022

Healing Morning Extra - Grief Process

 Healing Morning Extra™️. For my family, 10 years have passed, which is as difficult to reconcile as the loss itself. If today, or any day, is an anniversary of loss for you, I wish you peace and comfort. Pax Tecum ✨

#HealingMorning   #PaxTecum  #Grief  #Sadness  #Loss  #LivingThroughGrief  #Love

Morning Meditation - Rumi’s Peaceful Joy

 Morning meditation™️. Rumi wisdom. ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditationArchives™️  #Rumi

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Southern Otter Chronicles - Never Stop Pitching Woo!

 Southern Otter Chronicles™️. Do not underestimate the powers of impromptu pitching of otterly woo! 🦦

#SouthernOtterChronicles™️  #HealingMorning™️  #ImpromptuPitchingOfOtterlyWoo  #PowerfulOtterlyRomanceTips

Morning Meditation - Leap of Faith

 Morning Meditation™️. This is a frequent battle for me, beginning something new without overthinking it. I am confident I am not alone in this habit, so I created this one to gently nudge all of us! ✨

#MorningMeditationArchives™️  #HealingMorning™️  #Begin  #LeapOfFaith

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Morning Meditation - Isaiah 40:31

 Morning Meditation™️. This Scripture always offers me reassurance and uplift, and perhaps prompts a few tears at the reminder of Grace. 🕊

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditationArchives™️  #Grace  #IsaiahFortyThirtyOne

Monday, June 27, 2022

Morning Meditation - Bloom Where You Are Planted

 Morning meditation™️. Bloom where you are planted. It is a conscious choice. ✨

#MorningMeditation™️  #HealingMorning™️  #BloomWhereYouArePlanted  #Empowerment  #Succeed  #LiveConsciously  #Grow  #Flourish

Friday, June 24, 2022

Observations by Luther the Gargoyle - Pithy With Overtones Of Snark

 Observations by Luther the Gargoyle™️. Shhhshh! Don’t tell anyone, but Luther admits to having a softer side. ⚜️

#ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle™️  #HealingMorning™️  #GargoyleTruthfulness  #SofterSnarkySide  #LutherTheGargoyle™️

Morning Meditation - You Are Incredible

 Morning meditation™️. You are more than you can grasp. You are so incredible, it is beyond mere words to describe. ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditation™️  #YouAreIncredible  #RememberYourDivineWorth

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Morning Meditation - Live NOW

 Morning meditation™️. This is one of the most important Life Lessons to absorb and fully understand. Tomorrow...the next minute, the next second, the next breath...none of these are promised. Live NOW.✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditationArchives™️  #LeapOfFaith

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Southern Otter Chronicles - Resting Baby Otter Face

 Southern Otter Chronicles™️. Resting Baby Otter Face has to be the cutest version of grumpy butt mode in the world, y’all! 🦦

#SouthernOtterChroniclesArchives™️  #HealingMorning™️  #RestingBabyOtterFace  #BabyGrumpyButtOtterlyAttitude  #WokeUpOnTheWrongSideofTheCrib

Morning Meditation - Possibilities

 Morning meditation™️. Sage advice! ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditationArchives™️  #EmilyDickinson

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Morning Meditation - Seek Inner Balance

 Morning meditation™️. Check in with yourself throughout the day. Your well-being is so important! ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditationArchives™️  #YouMatter #SeekInnerBalance

Monday, June 20, 2022

Morning Meditation - Be Kind, Always

 Morning meditation™️. Be kind, always. ✨

#MorningMeditation™️  #HealingMorning™️  #PositiveThoughts  #KindGestures  #BeKindAlways  #CollectiveHumanExperience

Friday, June 17, 2022

Obersvations by Luther the Gargoyle -

 Observations by Luther the Gargoyle™️. Luther heaved a sad sigh for the plight of all zombies.⚜️

#ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle™️  #HealingMorning™️  #GargoylesDoNotEatBrains  #PoorZombies  #ClearBrainsShortage #LutherTheGargoyle™️

Morning Meditation - New Way of Being

 Morning meditation™️. Change can be ushered in via some of the most unexpected vehicles. Look to those moments for your world to be made New. ✨

#MorningMeditationArchives #HealingMorning  #UnexpectedVehicles  #YourWorldMadeNew  #AllThingsArePossible  #EyesAndHeartOpen

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Morning Meditation - Spark of Brightness

 Morning meditation™️. Reach for that spark of brightness. ✨

#MorningMeditationArchives™️  #HealingMorning™️  #SparkOfQuietness  #EverythingGoodAndBeautiful

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Morning Meditation - Flow Into Beauty

 Morning meditation™️. It doesn’t happen easily, but with dedication, beauty can flow. Choose your medium of expression and engage! ✨

#MorningMeditation™️  #HealingMorning™️  #Create  #Write  #HoneTheSkill  #BeautyCanFlow

Monday, June 13, 2022

Morning Meditation - Simple Appreciation Heals

 Morning meditation™️. We don’t always have to figure out or solve everything immediately. We can take time to dwell in simple appreciation of Nature, and be restored. ✨

#MorningMeditation™️  #HealingMorning™️  #SimpleAppreciation  #BeRestored  #NatureHeals

Friday, June 10, 2022

Observations by Luther tha Gargoyle - Resting Gargoyle Face

 Observations by Luther the Gargoyle™️. Resting Gargoyle Face - you humans simply cannot compete! ⚜️

#ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle™️  #HealingMorning™️  #RestingGargoyleFace™️  #GargoyleBeauty  #HealingMorning™️

Morning Meditation - Rehearse Joy’

 Morning meditation™️. Your stage, your spotlight, your life…they’re all waiting for you. Step forward, and embrace it all. ✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditation™️  #StepOntoYourStage  #ShiftYourThinking  #RehearseJoy  #LiveNOW

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Morning Meditation - The Lord’s Prayer

 Morning meditation™️. This is how I begin my day, speaking this prayer, setting my spiritual energy, focusing my thoughts, and absorbing the devotion of these words. 


#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditationArchives™️  #LordsPrayer  #StartOfTheDay  #EndOfTheEvening  #Prayer

Southern Otter Chronicles - Day Napping!

 Southern Otter Chronicles™️. Day napping and power snuggles carry some serious healing properties, y’all.🦦

#SouthernOtterChronicles™️  #HealingMorning™️  #DayNapping  #PowerSnuggles  #OtterlyMentalHealth

Morning Meditation - Believe

 Healing Morning Extra™️. Today is a momentous day. Believe. ✨

#HealingMorningExtra™️  #Believe  #WorthyOfEveryBlessing  #EmbraceTheNew  #Live  #Soar  #Believe

Monday, June 6, 2022

Morning Meditation - You Are Eternal

 Morning meditation™️. Never forget this - challenges are temporary…YOU are Eternal. ✨

#MorningMeditationArchives™️  #HealingMorning™️  #TheBrightnessIsYou  #ChallengesAreTemporary  #YouAreEternal

Friday, June 3, 2022

Observations by Luther the Gargoyle - Knowledge of the Ages

Observations by Luther the Gargoyle™️. Gargoyles are a learned ilk. ⚜️

#ObservationsByLutherTheGargoyle™️  #HealingMorning™️  #CicadasSummerSerenade  #KnowledgeOfTheAges  #LutherTheGargoyle™️

Morning Meditation - Playing Is Ageless

 Morning Meditation™️. Break out your Hula Hoop and indulge yourself with playtime! ✨

#MorningMeditationArchives  #HealingMorning™️  #PlaytimeIsAgeless  #HulaHoopIntoHappy

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Morning Meditation - Look For The Blessing

 Morning Meditation™️. Look for the blessing. It is always there.✨

#MorningMeditationArchives™️  #HealingMorning™️  #BlessingsInDisguise  #LookForTheBlessing

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Southern Otter Chronicles - Otterly Baby Caruso

 Southern Otter Chronicles™️. “Ohh-oh-ohh-OHHH…sweet mystery of life, at last, I’ve found thee!” 🎶 🦦

#HealingMorning™️  #SouthernOtterChronicles™️  #OtterlyBabyCaruso  #VoiceLessons  #OttersOnBroadway  #OperaticOtters

Morning Meditation - Believe

Morning meditation™️. From the moment I read this passage, it struck me as profound, & has continued to do so. If you’ll believe in me, I’ll believe in you.✨

#HealingMorning™️  #MorningMeditation™️  #LewisCarroll  #AliceInWonderland  #ThroughTheLookingGlass  #Unicorn  #Believe
